Thanks for your response. Actually, interestingly, I didn’t write this headline – it was an edit by the Medium team. But be that as it may, and at the risk of oversharing, mine was not an issue of milk supply. It was a structural issue – severely inverted nipples. The real focus of this story was the extreme pressure I experienced without the benefit (for whatever reasons) of health-care providers having the bandwidth – or the inclination – to assess the individual situation. If we had had a health care system that emphasised understanding, listening, and lack of judgement, and if it had given health care workers the full availability and training to work with mothers in a range situations, our situation could have been different. In my case, unfortunately, the only thing that could have changed my ability to breastfeed would have been surgery. Had that been identified sooner – or before she was born – there could have been a range of options explored. That wasn’t the case. Thanks for writing though – I appreciate your input.